Tuesday, April 23, 2013

One week in thoughts

Today marks day 7 of this journey and I figured I'd share some of my thoughts on Australia, traveling, and life in general.  I swear next post I will figure out how to post some of the pictures, but if you know me well, you know that they are mostly lame and I am not in many of them (0 actually, so far).  Except this spider I saw, that thing was massive.  I dared not get too close to take the picture and rile it up, bite me, kill me, fly my body back over with the spider in my casket, and boom....Arachnophobia II.

I figure I will just list them out and make some kind of snotty comment after if its called for.

-If you ever want an expensive way to quit drinking soda, head to Australia.  I had a can of Diet Root Beer for $3 on day one.  Last can I have had.  A case of 18 diet Cokes in the store was on sale for $17, and I thought for a second that was a good deal.  Home much does it cost these idiots to import pop, and who is still drinking it?  Well a $1,200 plane ticket and I am cured of my obsession for diet soda.  They don't even have diet Pepsi here, so that was already strike one.

-Beats by Dre, everyone has them.......sweet

-Australia is still trying to be like their homeland (England) and in that everything is opposite.  Walking, driving, pretty much anything you can think of.  Well, 30 years of moving on the right has led to several moments of me bumping into people, or just plain being in the way.  It's crazy how hard this habit is to break.  I was jogging, walking and changing ipod songs, when bam!  Nailed a fellow jogger.  I don't care much for changing the way I do things for others, but this seems to be one social norm that I will be forced to adapt to.  (I have been jogging btw, no other way to workout, same outfit everytime)

-Still have not written that letter to Qantas

-The beaches in Sydney are no better than SoCal, so one of you be proud and the other be embarrassed. I am thinking Sydney should be embarrassed since I traveled 67 freaking hours to get here.  I hear they get a lot better though.

-On the same line as the soda, beer.  How about a six pack of local garbage for $16.  Sounds about fair.  Imagine walking into a Safeway and plopping down $45 for a 24 pack of Milwaukee's Best.  So I have been drinking much less too.

-Pharmacists are called chemists.  That just seemed stupid to me.

-Thanks a lot six through eighth grade for not teaching me the metric system at all.  I dont know how much $24 kilos of meat is costing me when I ask for 75 grams.  I accidentally bought $14 worth of apples at one store.  I need to figure this one out sooner than later.

-Germans everywhere, and if they are not German they are Dutch and speak German.  Went to happy hour with 7 Germans the other day.  Lots of nodding along like I had a clue.  I think I out drank them 2:1 simply from not speaking for 2 hours.

-This one is awesome, they put pictures of what cigarettes do to you on the pack.  They are so nasty, like a color photo of a cancerous lung.  I hope they are working on the youth, bc everyone I have come across still smokes like a chimney.  Going anywhere with these people is like walking into the Rolling Log ( Or any other local bar) circa 1990.  I usually dont make it out past midnight from all the smoke.  Anyway, the pics are great and smoking is bad.

-Aussies are real dicks about their coffee.  I mean anything I am proud of is sh*t to them compared to the Aussie equivalent.  The coffee is the worst of all, they get real high and mighty when it comes to that.  Saying that Starbucks is a plague on their community.  I can agree with that, but come on, your sh*ts not that good.  I'll have to ask a real American coffee drinker when I come finally come across another American, since A) I have only met one American and B) I am not a big fan of coffee.

That is it for now.  I really miss you guys, feel free to drop me a whats happening in America/your lives email.  Scottmorrisonhall@gmail.com  .  Oh and check the Bigger Dance standings, its way to early, but #1.

USA #1

1 comment:

  1. In addition to pictures, can we get a video of the toilet flushing the opposite way?
