Thursday, January 2, 2014

Rounding out 2013

This one is going to be fast and furious.  I have been trying to email myself anything worth talking about, so I should have the last three weeks pretty well covered.  Its going to be all over the place, so if you don't like Tarantino movies, you might be lost.

Last I checked in we said goodbye to some friends, I moved into an actual room (moving out on Saturday), I booked my flight to Thailand, and there were about 38 workdays left.  We are down to around 19 work days and that is just about the greatest thing I have written on this thing.  Flight to Phuket leaves Jan 31.......I think a month in Thailand and ???? is the best way to end this adventure.

Lets start with New Years Eve.  I am going to get descriptive and actually try to think about what I type rather than just what pops into my head, might even use the delete key or god forbid spell check.  New Years in Sydney Australia will put all of the rest of the New Years I experience to shame.  You could use any number of  adjectives to describe the 10 million dollar just a hair under 25 minute firework display..........majestic, cosmic, enchanting, stunning, and booze filled, so much booze.  I guess very few people have to work from about December 23rd till January 6th and a good portion of them spend that time drinking. Literally the day they get off work till midnight December, 31st.  I was behind in the game as it was a workday for me (fingers crossed).  When I showed up to the spot where we were to watch it was a madhouse of police, angry drinkers, happy drinkers and a view to die for.  Now I took pictures and a looooooong video, but Ill just post some of my buddies as they were much better than mine.

If you know me it takes something special for me to get amped up and fireworks normally doesn't do it. Others on this list include Christmas and Birthdays, and until a few nights ago, New Years Eve.

Here is two shot off my buddies camera.  This was not the end or the best part, just that he was smart enough to actually take a picture rather than just stare at the sky full of rockets red glare.  The next three will be from the internet as lets face it, those are taken by professionals.  Just know that this is what we saw

If those don't make you want to book a flight down here for next year I don't know what would.  Fantastic!!

Other stuff.........................

-Aussies call office Secret Santa, Kris Kringle, that made me laugh and I did not participate, win win!
- In the area I live they have a mall that has been patrolled by "Hipster" Santa.  It was a concept I thought was dumb until I read the tagline.  "Hipster Santa, chill with me at Central, or don't, whatever."  That was all it took for the concept to win me over.  

- Travelers from other countries will go out and for the whole night only drink Smirnoff Ice, and doing it with zero intention of being ironic or "icing a bro." (that was hard to type).
-My iron stomach streak is over.  Much like Seinfeld I was taken down by a pastry.  Had a muffin from 7-11 in the morning.  12 hours later and that being all I had eaten all day, I was yaking in the shower.  Want to know the worst part.  It was a Friday night.......the horror.  Last muffin ever.
-My raging battle with Big Cell Phone is rounding into month 9.  Wins: my account has been cancelled with T Mobile.  They have refunded me the early termination fee they promised they would not charge me.  Losses: The early term fee cost me to $35 overdraft charges, I have been trying to get my fully charged bills from May to November refunded (phone stolen in June, last used in April, seems fair to pay full price).  I have to email them in order to make contact regarding the issue, so its hard to yell, but a full email in caps lock is pending.  Consider this issue not closed T-Mobile and you will be hearing from one of my two lawyers. Benn or Stacey I mean you!
-In keeping up with tradition of my US basketball rec league teams, I am currently serving a one game suspension over my choice of words to an official and where he could stick his flagrant foul.  This came after I almost cost my team the game up by 2 with 25 seconds left, got called for a flagrant foul, went down 2 with 5 seconds to play, hitting a three pointer as time expired (A two would have ended the game in a tie, WTF????)  and then having a healthy heart to heart with the official.  Worth it!

I am going to watch The Wolf of Wall Street here:  Heard the movie is amazing, but really, does it matter:

And I guess lastly just had a great visit from the Lawrence Boys.  Joey and Brendan thanks for breaking in the New Year with me, night to remember for sure, and the best part is we actually will.  When we tell the story for years to come I was there the whole time, ok?

See you all in just a couple of months, oh and I was not joking about emailing, messaging me.  I really do like hearing from any and all of you!!


1 comment:

  1. Watching the movie outdoors? Totally jealous. Looks like a great time! Have a blast in Thailand!
