Thursday, November 21, 2013

Comfortable Enough to Jaywalk Part Two

Here is an email exchange from a buddy and me while I was at work...............  Check out the date.

On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 2:37 PM, Stuart Bowker<> wrote:
Right. I am going to run you over in a Honda civic. I will give you $100 for every mile under 10mph. $200 for every mile under 20mph. $500 for every mile under 30mph. $1000 for every mile under 40mph. And $2500 for every mile over 40mph. E.g I run you over at 25mph you get $5500. How fast do I get to hit you. There are no guarantees of your safety and no special medical treatments. If you get hurt we have to call and ambulance and wait for it. 

My response:
                                       On 24/10/2013, at 2:42 PM, Scott Hall <> wrote:
I think I would ask for about 11 to 14 MPH, $1600 or so. 

Would maybe go higher if I had insurance that would cover all expenses.

Well...........................On November 18th of 2013 I was indeed struck by a car and for some reason no one paid me $1600.  Let me set the stage, it had been raining HARD in Sydney all day and rather than take the bus to the train station I was offered a ride.  I gladly accepted and was dropped off at the corner across from the station.  Wanting to make the light and about 5,000 previous lights in my life I was willing to jaywalk/cross on a red.  On this day I was halfway across the intersection when the turn arrow sprung on my and I found myself in front of a car that was ready to roll.  (Had this been America I would have anticipated the turn arrow and none of this would have happened).  Being as I am an angry driver I did not want to piss this driver off, so I was quick to take off in one direction or the other just to get out of his way.  I take weird stances in life, like the severe anguish it causes me when I am wasting someones time.

My options are, go back across the street and wait out the whole 30 seconds mind numbing, non candy crush playing boredom.  Or, sprint for it and get to the other side.  My issue: blind corner around the car I was in the way of.  Like I have learned so many times throughout the years, my mind is more athletic than my body and today I was going to pay the price.  I take a step in the direction of the station and realize that I can not see around the car and think better of it.  With the rain, my dress shoes, and my inability to stop on a dime and change directions, I upended and landed on my ass with a maroon car barreling down on me.

First instinct was to get my head out of the way, second was to squint, throw up my forearm to stop the car, and then brace for impact.  The car skid, and smashed into me, sending me skidding across the concrete. Before America turned against him because it became popular, Dane Cook had an wonderful joke about this very situation.  Ill highlight the true parts.

Three weeks ago one of my dreams came true. 
I finally got to see something I've always wanted to witness live. 
I finally saw someone get hit by a car.  ( Sadly I did not get to see it)
Nailed, this guy got hit right in the hip. (Arm and torso)

This guy gets nailed.. this is the setup. 
He's walking down the street and he's doing that wacky speed walk...  (jog walking across the street to catch the light)
he's got the buds in his ears, 
So Johnny Tambourine (Scott Hall) is walking down the street, 
he's got the "not a good time to cross" signal. Yep
As he's going across, I see the car *car noise* coming down the street. 
*collision noise* 
The guy goes flying into the air, his shoes flew off.  Skid on ground, backpack stays on
When you get hit by a car, sometimes your shoes will fly off.  Right one did
Sometimes your pants will come off. Holes ripped in them, down to one pair of work pants
as the car was coming towards him I reached out and I said, 
"ohhhhh. ohhhhh." 
That's all I could think of to say. 
Theres so many things now in retrospect that I would love 
I would love to have been like "you're about to get struck by a vehicle!!!"   One car honked....I think
I did not have time to say "You're about to get struck by a vehicle" 
so I went with "ohhhhh!" which is like a concerned moan. 
The guy gets tagged okay, the greatest part of the story. 
He's in the air flipping around, Ground skidding
t this is how he lands on the other side of the car.   Middle of intersection, popped up instantly, adrenaline RUSH
and he starts walking around, embarrassed.  OH LORD, Felt so stupid
He's trying to play it off like he didn't just get hit, by a car.  I really did, waved at the driver and apologized and took off for the train
People around him are like... 
--"Oh my god! Oh my god! Are you alright? Are you okay?" 
He's like ... 
--"I'm fine, I'm fine. Seriously, I'm fine
. I'm a little bit hungry. I said that I couldn't go to the hospital, I had a basketball game to get to..................

The skit goes on, but that is pretty much the gist of it for me.  After the lady told me to go to the hospital and I said I had hoops, I put my tail between my legs and just walked until the train came.  I felt more stupid than hurt, luckily, maybe magically I was not hurt that badly.  Played in my game and hit 7 three points.  Was pretty sore the next day.

I know a whole post and that is all that happened, minus the internal bleeding and ruined work pants.  I should have bought a lotto ticket that day.

Upcoming posts:
Friends from America coming to visit
Thanksgiving in Australia
Its starting to heat up
Flight home booked.......but when and where am I headed first??

(March 3rd, Thailand and maybe more)

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