Monday, April 1, 2013

Scotty Didn't Know

With two weeks to go until wheels up to Australia things are starting to get hectic.  This weekend was my first two of four bartending classes and its freaking exhausting.  8 hours Saturday and Sunday learning acronyms for what goes in a kamikaze, to memorizing the difference between Canadian whisky and the US variety.  In true Scott fashion I ducked out early each day because, c'mon, like I was going to stay the whole time.  Since I am just trying to learn the basics of how to work in a bar I felt that 5-6 hours was enough of my time.  Plus, I am sure I will just be cracking open beers, pouring beers from the tap, and trying not to get glassed (an actual concern) while I am over there.

Glassing is a physical attack using a glass as a weapon. Glassing can occur at bars or pubs where alcohol is served, and a drinking glass or bottle is available as a weapon. The most common method of glassing involves the attacker smashing an intact glass in the face of the victim.

Post class on Saturday I had a 6:30 dinner reservation at casa Mccormack.  I thought I was headed to a nice little family dinner to celebrate the Mccormack family being rid of me for 365 days, but when I turned onto their street, Scotty didn't know.  After seeing about 15 of my closest friends cars, Mike Mac asking me what I was doing there, and Michelle Gervin making her yearly appearance in Issaquah, I figured something was up.  Somehow the group was able to keep it a surprise, and that along with the fact that so many people showed up to wish me was just pretty special.  The group ranged from friends I had since first grade at Clark Elementary to Sr member Fred Reiss.  I just wanted to take the time to say thank you all again, you don't know how much you all mean to me.

April Fools, I hate you all!!!!!!!

13 more days


1 comment:

  1. Even if you don't remember how to make all the drinks at whichever bar you wind up tending, just carry around boxes with a determined look on your face. Surely, someone will think you're busy.
