Tuesday, November 12, 2019

365 Back in the USA!!

Mid March will mark one glorious year back in the US and since I have not had the chance to see everyone and let them know that I did indeed make it back home and what I am currently up to, I figure a post is the easiest way to get the word out.  That, and I can write about what has been going in my life the last year.

March 2014- July 2014- I did nothing............

Ok, that is not totally true.  I did put the weight I lost traveling back on.  I did search for jobs for ten minutes to 5 hours a day.  And I did watch a shit load of tv shows. Sooooo, not a complete waste of time!

Let's start with the important stuff.....tv.  I finally finished Gossip Girl, and started and have since completed Parenthood, Dexter....done, True Blood has been slayed, and a bunch of movies that were on my bucket list.  For the most part these were good shows that went terribly terribly wrong somewhere, but being a true TV connoisseur, I watched them all start to finish.  Oh yeah, Orange Is the New Black and House of Cards too.

As for the job hunt, I wanted to get it right this time.  A good part of the reason I left was because I was very dissatisfied at work.  Hour after hour after hour searching company websites, linked in, indeed and anywhere else where jobs are listed, was leaving me a little discouraged about the state of the market, or me as a candidate.  Do you know how freaking long it takes to fill out individual cover letters and company applications..........bout 5 months (amount of time I was unemployed).

I had some great interviews at some good companies, Costco offered my $12/hr for the 5am shift in the call center, so I told them where to stick it.  Some tech start ups I was not qualified for, a recruiting job I was not qualified for and then I got a job I was over qualified for.  Slanging high end cruises to exotic Norway, Greenland and Antarctica.  That lasted 3 months and I jumped ship to go work for the travel and expense reporting powerhouse that is Concur.  But, that is getting ahead of myself a bit since that job started in December.