Monday, March 25, 2013

Well....looks like I'm blogging

We are T-minus 20 days from takeoff to Sydney.  I never considered myself as a person important enough for their thoughts to be shared with others, but since so many of you seem to be excited for me and this adventure, I will do my best to get it all "down on paper."  I figure if nothing else I can use this blog as a way to remember everything I encounter down under.

With 20 days until departure I have done my best to get all my ducks in a row:
- Selling/throwing away all of my belongings. (thanks Coach Lyle)
- Getting one last Costco paid trip to the dentist and doctor.
- Acquiring a year supply of contact lenses.
- Procuring a place to store the things I can't sell and don't want to toss.
- Health insurance while abroad (Won't need it!!!)
- Get in contact with as many Aussies as possible.
- Update the I-tunes.
- Go to Vegas- CHECK!
- Learn how to bartend.
- Say goodbye to all of you (odds are one of the 5,593 deadly animals down there will get me)

I am about halfway though my to-do checklist, so not too shabby.  I plan on making every attempt to have this be as entertaining as possible, and if my trip to Europe was any example the alcohol induced entries will be something special.  Feel free to share with friends and family or anyone you can think of that would be interested in following along with me for the next year.  I do not have much of a travel plan, but am hoping to hit Sydney and head north along the coast to follow the sun.  Takes a true Seattlite to go from PNW winter straight into Australian winter.  Going to try and make one more post before the trip as I inch closer.  I'll try to focus on how freaked out and excited I am.  Cause both emotions are running in the red right now.

Sorry for all spelling and typing errors, I blame it all on my 10th grade keyboarding teacher and all-around good guy, Randy Wood.

Happy Monday,
